
The goal of Circling Travel is to inspire visitors to elevate their free time with new spins on travel destinations, discoveries and other lifestyle findings.  We’re soaring above, circling, pondering the regular views on travel and life. We want to discover and share enhanced ideas for navigating normal.  What is the secret thing worth seeking at a famous national park or undiscovered way to enjoy a too-popular travel destination? Everyone agrees that a traveling tweak that makes hotel stays easier or discovering a wild, strange ingredient to add to a superfood recipe can become an irreplaceable line item in your life hacks.  At least, it’s inspiring finding what we may have missed as we live our ultra busy lives.  

Circling Travel is my attempt at providing a bit of inspiration to others by describing cool places to visit, tips or a simple perspective on life and schedules. Of course we also have food. We post an occasional food highlight which provides energy for travel.

Circling Travel is about the journey, and a reminder that sometimes it’s the flaw that makes a place, person or food perfect. 

Me standing by graffiti art. I found my alter ego lady within Wynnwood Walls, outside Miami Florida. She’s holding a camera with a cat judging her work.

The truth is that this blog idea started because I had thousands of photos in my phone that needed organization. It was a mess. I also wanted to add a few stories about those photos since I love to write and observe. My family tired of them so a new audience needed to be found. Once I deleted hundreds of photos of my cat, I was on my way. (BTW, I’m am a self proclaimed Cat Expert.)

We welcome feedback! Send us a note to let us know what we should check out or your thoughts on where we’ve been.